Raja Ampat is a beautiful travel destination for visitors who like snorkeling, scuba diving, sightseeing, birdwatching and wildlife watching. Its rainforest is natural habitat of a lot of species of avifauna including paradise birds, and other animals. For accommodation, there are dive resorts, homestays and liveaboard diving boats which visitors can choose. This is a travel journal of Charles Roring, Whatsapp: +6281332245180, E-mail: peace4wp@gmail.com
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sustainable Tourism Criteria
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Ship Wreck Diving in Dore Bay of Manokwari West Papua
- An affordable lodging in Manokwari: http://charlesroring.blogspot.com/2008/07/affordable-inn-for-eco-travellers-in.html
- New diving sites in North Sulawesi: http://charlesroring.blogspot.com/2008/07/new-diving-sites-should-be-introduced.html
- Sail bunaken 2009: http://charlesroring.blogspot.com/2008/07/bunaken-national-marine-park-to-host.html
- Cleaning up Bunaken Marine Park: http://charlesroring.blogspot.com/2008/07/cleaning-up-bunaken-diving-site.html
Monday, July 28, 2008
Combining Music, Dancing, and Food in Gourmet Tourism
The package incorporate a two hour contemporary dancing and music entertainment as addition to delicious dinner presented on every table. This package is sold for 100 to 150 US dollars per table of 10 seats. Employers of big companies, as the usual frequent customers of the restaurants, have shown their interest to this kind of package as an affordable way to treat their staff. This package is considered cheaper than one week holiday package to famous tourist destinations in the country. Besides, the employees do not have to leave office when celebrating their achievement. In addition, they can bring all their family or friends to enjoy the food and entertainment in the restaurants.
High school and university students are recruited as contemporary dancers whereas only professional singers are allowed to perform on the stage. Every dancer can get more than 20 US dollar for every performance, the amount which is considered high in Indonesia.
"Double Happines," one of the restaurants in Surabaya city of Indonesia that incorporates food and entertainment program can fill all its fifty tables with corporate customers.
Through this kind of program, gourmet tourism will not only rely on the taste of the food and experienced chef but also in mixing food and entertainment.
New Diving Sites should be introduced to visitors to reduce pressures on Bunaken Marine Park
The conservation of Bunaken Marine National Park has been the main objective of all stakeholders to create a sustainable eco tourism industry. This effort can only be done if there is a profesional management system doing the job with adequate logistical supports such as money, community development and participation, facilities, and specific laws and regulations.

So far, the number of bombings, poisoning of fish conducted by fishermen in Bunaken diving sites has been reduced to near zero. I can also see that some businessmen in North Sulawesi have entered such sustainable aqua culture production as sea grass cultivation, pearl farming and shrimp ponds. These businesses can absorb more workers and generate significant income for them.
In the beginning, the implementation of marine patrol was intended to protect the park from being destroyed by irresponsible people who had been practicing ilegal fishing techniques. It has to be the principle duty of the marine patrol and it should not become a secondary objective. Another additional task of marine patrol in Bunaken park is the supervision on visitors diving or snorkeling in the park on whether they have purchased the entrance tickets.
As a matter of fact, solid waste from the Manado city, flowing out from the rivers or drifting to the park, is the real threat to the coral reefs underwater environment. Therefore, local government must allocate large amount of provincial budget to process them. The money obtained from the entrance tickets is not enough to finance the project. But it can be used to launch public awareness campaign in the city telling the citizens not to throw garbages to the rivers. Public notice boards and advertisements placed in the newspapers and magazines will also inform the citizen about the negative impacts of marine pollution to the underwater environment of Bunaken coral reefs.
Certain dive sites around Bunaken islands receive more divers during high season period i.e. May - September. This raises concern over the reef carrying capacity. For the diving sites whose capacity have been exceeded, the disturbances from divers on the habitat will reduce the number of fish population, and influence the growth of the reefs. The management of Bunaken Marine National Park must implement and distribute diving quota to operators in order to lower pressures on certain coral reefs that have exceeded their carrying capacity. To minimize diver impacts, new diving sites such as Lembeh strait, Bentenan, and Bangka island should be introduced. Bentenan is located in the sourthern part of the province of North Sulawesi. Bentenan islets have coral reefs that are potential to be developed as another tourist destination in the province. Unfortunately, the roads connecting the Bentenan village to the city are still in poor condition. If the government are serious in developing these diving sites, good facilities have to be constructed in the Bentenan similar to what have seen in Bunaken National Marine Park.
Through the distribution of fair naumber diving quota to operators, and the development and introduction of new diving sites, the sustainable eco tourism industry in North Sulawesi will bring more benefits to local people as well as maintain the quality of underwater environment in its best condition.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Pilatus Porter, a suitable aircraft for travelling across mountainous region
Also read: Pilatus Porter a robust aircraft
Bunaken National Marine Park to host international event "Sail Bunaken 2009"
Friday, July 25, 2008
Singapore of Surabaya
While I was in Surabaya, I visited Singapore of Surabaya. It is not located in a strategic place where public transportations pass by. Instead, this little Singapore is located in Citraland in the western region of the city. The nearest mall is Pakuwon Trade Centre.
Singapore of Surabaya looks like little Singapore. It has statues that are similar but smaller than the original ones in Singapore.
Here, people speak Indonesian or Javanese.
When I ordered some food, I asked for spicy fried rice which looked attractive. It was very hot and I had to drink more water to cool down my mouth.
Scuba Divers must observe standard rules to help protect the Bunaken national marine park
At least nine thousand divers dive in Bunaken national marine park every year. With the number of divers coming to see the coral reefs there tend to increase every year, efforts to protect the underwater environment are needed due to frequent damages or disturbances caused by tourist divers and their guides, and boat manuevers in shallow waters.
In general, tourism activities might create damages which can be categorised as follows:
- boat collision with reefs
- pulling or disturbance of propellers on shallow seagrass
- diver damage
- anchoring
- pollution from sewage,
- pollution from solid wastes
- pollution from sediments during the homestay construction
- increasing number of fishing activites in supplyng the tourists.
On the other hand, due to its closer location to Manado city, the Bunaken national marine park is facing more damages from:
- urban coastal development which is not related to tourism
- river flooding
- pollution from the city
- poison fishing for ornamental aquarium fish business
- and etc.
- practice body control and buoyancy to keep safe distance from life corals and marine life.
- never stand or walk on living corals. In case of strong current, look for large rock.
- do not dispose of rubbish into the ocean or onto the ground.
- When finding drifted plastic bags or other waste materials that cover the corals, please take them up as your contribution in cleaning up these coral reefs.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Pacific Islanders know how to built an energy efficient house
Sea water evaporates from the Pacific ocean makes the surrounding islands always in high humidity. Therefore, house materials that are suitable for Pacific region are the ones that maintain temperature and humidity.
For years, the Pacific islanders have built their houses using sago or coconut bark that absorbs much of moisture during the rainy season and emits water vapor during the dry season. In addition, instead of installing metal corrugated roof, home builders use leaves (for instance sago leaves) as the roof materials for their house. Well tied and arranged sago roofs can endure harsh weather condition. The old roofs can easily be replaced with the new ones in two or three days working depending on the size of the house. Sago leaves roofs are sold in traditional markets.
Resort owners prefer to use sago roofs installed in the cottages to eliminate the need for installing air conditioning (AC) equipments. AC appliances consume high amount of electricity which is not always available in small islands. In certain cases, to provide electricity resort owners must run their own power plant. They do not like installing big diesel generators because besides they produce electrical energy, they also emits noise. Such noise is unwanted in a peaceful tourist resorts. The climate condition along the shore lines is very hot during the dry season, to make their houses cool, Pacific islanders construct their house above water or under the trees. By constructing houses near or above water, home owners who are also fishermen can tie the boats around a pillar thus making the house as a pier.
House design styles of low and high plains are different. Houses in higher plains do not have many openings in them. If built on the ground most of them have fireplace in the middle of the house to keep the houses hot whereas houses in the low land have separate kitchens built at the back of the houses.
If you are interested in taking a holiday in Manokwari town, one of the tourist desinations in the Pacifi region, you can stay in Kagum Inn. It is an affordable choice for budget travellers. The inn has 11 rooms. Each room costs 180 US dollar per night. Every room can accomodate 2 to 4 travellers.

The inn is located in Jalan Brawijaya (formerly known as Panorama weg) near SD Negeri 1 (formerly known as Klim en Daal). For futher information on the availability of the rooms, you can call the inn's manager: Miss. Ivana Roring.

She can be contacted at her mobile: +62 81 283 07 331. It is better to book in advance to ensure the availability of the rooms. Sometimes groups of 30 to 50 people stay and occupy all the 11 rooms of the inn. On the average the travelers stay for three to one week in the inn.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Cleaning up bunaken diving site

Through this kind of cooperations among the government, citizens, and scuba diver tourists, we hope that soon we will be able to create healthier environment both above and under water. Eco-tourism which has become the goal of todays modern tourism industry will effectively be implemented in Minahasa region. - by Charles Roring
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

For me Franky is a prolific carver. Most of his works tell us about the daily life of the Papuan people, their houses, god (Karwar –symbolized by paradise bird relief), and their rituals (please see oil painting of birds of paradise). He put carvings on the floor and paintings on the wall. Similar to Aborigin artists, West Papuan artists do not use canvas but bark. The rough surface of tree bark is an ideal media to put paintings on it.

“What do you call this artwork?” I asked.
“It is peace dancing.” He answered while folding his hands on his bare and hairy chest.
“Could you tell me the background story of that dancing?”
“Sure, as you know, West Papuan are coming from hundreds of tribes. Sometimes they live peacefully but often they fight against one another. These clashes have to be settled through Hukum Adat (customary law). When they had reached peace agreement, they would celebrate it in a number of rituals. One of them is Barapen (meaning Bakar Batu – burning stone) ceremony and Peace Dancing. Here hand in hand they danced around and around like a snake. So the tribes who were at war could dance together hand in hand as brothers and sisters.
“Conflicts among Papuan tribes still occur until today besides conflicts with the central government-Indonesia,” I interrupted.
“We really need peace. Therefore I created this artwork to remind our people that we need peace to develop our land and to live side by side with other Indonesians equally.”
“Wow, it’s fantastic,” I said. “How long does it take to finish this carving?”
“It takes around one and a half month.”
“What is it made of?”
“It is made of Lingua” Franky added.
“Do you have any other activity besides carving?”
“I like to grow orchid. It helps me to earn a living when I cannot sell my artwork. You know, I need money to support my family.”
“I bought a Papuan batik painting from you two years ago. How did you learn to make Batik?” I asked again.
“Well, similar to Lucky, I went to Jakarta, Jogja and Bali. There I learned art. Trying to get as much knowledge as possible from experienced artists there, including how to make batik.”
I have visited many of West Papuan artists. Many of them face a common problem. They cannot sell their artwork easily. They are isolated from the outer world. The local government have not been able to create special website to promote these briliant artists to the world.
I remember Alfred Russel Wallace’s comments, a famous British naturalist – a close friend of Charles Darwin. Together they built the theory of evolution. In his book entitled The Malay Archipelago, he said that West Papuan were briliant artists. It was unfortunate for them to remain isolated from the outer world in today's intenet era. by Charles Roring
Health benefits of cycling

Source: www.bv.com.au
Anderson, Lars Bo “All-Cause Mortality Associated With Physical Activity During Leisure Time, Work, Sports and Cycling to Work” Archives of Internal Medicine Vol 160 No. 11 June 12, 2000.
This study took place in Copenhagen, Denmark over 14.5 years. It found that cycling to work (an average of 3 hours cycling per week) decreased risk of mortality by about 40% compared to a sedentary control group. This study involved 30,000 people. The study took into account age, health status, and socio-economic factors such as education. It also found that older people gained even more from physical activity than younger people.
The full report can be found at:
Lower cholesterol and less risk of heart attacks
Department of Environmental Protection and BikeWest “Cycling 100 Trial” 1999 Cycling 100 was a year-long program in Perth in which free bikes were provided to 100 commuters who volunteered to replace some car trips to work with bicycle commuting. The participants’ health was monitored before and after the trial. The study found that the cyclists’ physical work capacity and aerobic fitness improved. They also experienced significant reductions in LDL cholesterol levels (bad
cholesterol) and significant increases in HDL (good cholesterol). They also lowered their risk of heart attacks and strokes.
The Department of Environmental Protection: www.environ.wa.gov.au
BikeWest: www.transport.wa.gov.au/metro/bikewest
Deterrents versus benefits
Ian Roberts, Harry Owen, Peter Lumb, Colin MacDougall. “Pedalling Health – Health Benefits of a Modal Transport Shift.” 1995.
Getting more people cycling as part of daily life may be one of the best ways to improve the community’s health and tackle sedentary lifestyles, according to this report. It details health benefits including lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and reduced risk of heart disease and obesity. The report suggests that the physical risk associated with cycling (i.e. accidents) and costs of providing cycling facilities is far outweighed by the health and environmental benefits of cycling.
The study can be found on the web at:
Just what the doctor ordered …
British Medical Association “Cycling Towards Health and Safety” 1992, Oxford University Press: Oxford. This book highlights the health benefits of cycling. The issues covered include positive effects on physical and mental health, environmental benefits, and the deterrents and dangers versus the improved life expectancy that results from cycling regularly (eg, the ratio of benefit of cycling to risk involved is 20:1).
A site including recommendations from the BMA is online at:
Breathe easy
Van Wijen, Verhoeff, Henk, Van Bruggen. The exposure of cyclist, car drivers and pedestrians to traffic-related air pollutants. Environmental Health 67 pp 187-193
This study provides statistics on the pollutant concentrations breathed in by cyclists and motorists in one hour during the same journy at the same time and found that motorists are subject to higher pollution levels. Despite the fact that a cyclist breathes about two to three times as much air as the motorist due to physical exertion, the motorist breathed about 60% more carbon monoxide (cyclist: 2670ug/m3, motorist: 6730 ug/m3). Other pollutants all showed significantly lower levels in the cyclists. Physical exercise is also shown to assist in resisting the effects of air pollution.
This study was part of a European Commission publication called “Cycling: the way ahead for towns and cities.” which is available from
Get a buzz from a bike
Kate Mytanwy has spent many years working in Mental Health in Australia, and has written several pieces on suicide prevention and the promotion of physical activity for mental health reasons. Her article, ‘Get a buzz from a bike’, surveys both clinical and non-clinical studies into depression and cycling.
The full story can be found at:
Cycling and depression
Suzanne Fitzsimmons and Linda L. Buettner. Easy Rider wheelchair biking: A nursing-recreation therapy clinical trial for the treatment of depression
The study investigated the following hypothesis: Older adults who participate in a therapy biking program will have lower levels of depression than those who do not participate in a therapy biking program.
The design for this study was a classical experimental design with randomization, a control and treatment group and pre- and post-testing. All consenting residents were pre-tested for depression using the short form Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS).
The therapy program, called the Easy Rider program, was scheduled to run four times during the day with a maximum of five subjects scheduled into each session. The hypotheses, older adults who participate in a therapy biking program will have lower levels of depression than those who do not participate in a therapy biking program was accepted at a highly significant level.
The report of the study can be found at:
Monday, July 21, 2008
Riding bicycle is one of the ways to create low carbon society

Municipalities must include cycling policy in their traffic system. Extensive cycling network is needed to encourage citizens to ride their bicycles. Cycling network and parking facilities are very important for creating cycling community. In addition, combating bicycle theft is also another important factor in supporting and protecting cyclists.
Car and truck owners must limit their speed in areas or streets where cyclists are mixed with other motorized vehicles. To avoid accidents, more bicycle lanes have to be built or allocated in the land transportation system. Bicycle lanes do not have to be side by side with road and streets. They can go through the parks, shopping centers and even along the beach.
There are still many other ways where everyone can directly contribute to the creation of low carbon society and healthier environment. All we need to do is changing or transforming our lifestyle so that we will not pollute our surrounding and damage the environment.
Our education system has to be totally reformed to include or introduce individual initiatives in fighting global warming.
Children have to be taught how to ride bicycles, sort domestic waste. Teenagers can be oriented with cross country program where they can directly see the nearest jungle, river and beach; and cleaning up campaign has to be introduced in every community.
During the Soviet era, the ruling regime had their citizens go out to the surrounding environment and doing the cleaning-up thus creating a clean neighborhood.
The Netherlands although a crowded country has been one of the most prosperous country in the world through its years of sustainable ways of living. The Dutch have been using wind mills to pump out water from wetlands since hundreds of years ago. This country is an example of the best low carbon society in the world. Dutch people can also be proud of being the heaven of cyclists. Cycling has significantly improved the living condition of the country thus increasing productivity, more saving instead of unnecessary spending on fossil fuel. by Charles Roring
Cycling Can Increase Productivity
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More people cycling on the road mean fewer cars on the road, and less air polution. Cities and towns will be calm and less noisy. Our plan to implement 60% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 can be achieved by cycling. Riding bicycle is a clean low-carbon mode of travel. Healthier bodies and reduced street congestion improve the productivity of a community. The Netherlands is one of the European countries that has been seriously integrating cycling in its transport system. Bike to work or cycle to work should be introduced to companies. Tax exemption imposed by the state will allow employers to loan cycles and cyclist safety equipment to their employees. In addition, cycle manufacturers can implement a special credit scheme to businesses so that they will be able to offer bicycles to their staff. This sheme will encourage more workers to ride bicycles to work. if properly implemented, more people cycling will help workers staff more money, create healthier bodies and increase productivity as well as improve living condition and the surrounding environment. by Charles Roring
Also read:
Mountain Biking in the Table Mountain
Dirt Jump Mountain Bike
Mountain Bike for Ladies
Sunday, July 20, 2008
An Affordable Inn for Eco Travellers in Papua Island.
Eco-tourism is a booming industry right now. Many hotels and travel agents offer holiday scheme to far away places where the surrounding environment has not been disturbed by human activities. One of the places in the world whose environment is still clean is West Papua province of Indonesia. The capital town of the province is Manokwari. It is located in around bay called Teluk Doreri. Manokwari is considered an important town in the province due to its title as Gospel Town. Christian missionaries landed in Mansinam to preach Gospel or Christianity to Papuan in 1855.
In the middle of the bay, there are two islets, Mansinam and Lemon. They have beautiful diving sites around them with unspoiled marine life. Scuba divers can easily see various kinds of fish such as sharks, seahorse, dolphin and many coral fish around waters of these islets. There are a number of sunken ships in the bay. Most of the ships were warships which sunk during the Pacific War (139-1945) between American and Japanese troops. Scuba diving is not a common activity of the town dwellers who cannot afford to buy expensive diving equipment. If travelers want to scuba dive, they should bring their own diving suits.
There is a very affordable inn or lodge in the Town. The name of the lodge is Penginapan KAGUM. It stands for Kaki Gunung Meja or The Foot of Table Mountain. The inn is on Brawijaya Street (formerly known as Panorama street), between Padma 1 and Negri 1/ Klim en Daal elementary schools.
Travelers who stay in this inn can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the town. It costs around 18 US dollars per room per night. Each room can accommodate between 2 and 4 travelers depending on the size. Because it is very cheap, many backpackers can afford to stay there for days. Overlooking the town, the Penginapan KAGUM is constructed with traditional style. The design of the inn is similar to Minahasan traditional wooden house. Because it is located near the tropical jungle, travelers can ride bicycles along the road or enjoy bird watching. The jungle is protected by the law so logging and hunting activities are not allowed.
Any traveler who is interested in staying in the inn can contact the operational manajer, Miss Ivana Roring. She can be contacted at her mobile: +62 81 283 07 331. It is better to book in advance to ensure the availability of the rooms. Sometimes groups of 30 to 50 people stay and occupy all the 11 rooms of the inn. On the average the travelers stay for three days to one week in the inn.
The fuel of Biodiesel

The cetane index is a measure of the inflammability of diesel fuel. Cetane is a long-chained hydrocarbon with 16 carbon atoms and ignites particularly well under the influence of high temperatures and high pressure without requiring an igniting flame or spark. It is therefore an ideal fuel for diesel engines. A cetane index of 100 designates a reference fuel. The higher the cetane index of a diesel fuel, the better the ignition and combustion and the more regular and smoother the engine runs. Commonly available diesel fuels have a cetane index of 50 to 52, and values of 53 to 54 are achieved by the addition of ignition accelerators. In this, biodiesel has a natural advantage. Its primary components are similar to cetane and this fuel therefore has a natural cetane index of 56 to 58 and can easily fulfil the requirements of engine manufacturers for high-quality fuels with high inflammability without additives.
Whereas the sulphur content of lowsulphur diesel fuel is reduced in the refinery in a high-energy process with additional CO2 emission and a loss of the intrinsic lubricating capability, biodiesel is naturally almost free of sulphur (max. 0.001 percent and thereby at the limit of its detectability). This characteristic of biodiesel also allows the simple and optimum use of an oxidation catalytic converter.
The biodiesel molecule contains around 11 percent of oxygen. This oxygen contingent leads to an improved combustion and thereby to substantially less soot. The residues left inside the engine by the fuel are significantly reduced.
Biodiesel has a very good intrinsic lubrication capability. Trials have shown that biodiesel lies far below the values specified in the standard for mineral oil diesel. The so called HFRR value is a measure of the lubrication capability. In general, the lower the HFRR value, the better the fuel. Highly desulphurised mineral oil diesel fuel has an HFRR value of 500 or higher without additives, but the limit specified by the standard for diesel fuel is 450. Mineral oil diesel fuel therefore requires additives. In contrast, the HFRR value of biodiesel is approx. 200. Biodiesel is therefore suitable as a good lubricating additive to conventional diesel when added in proportions of only 1 percent. In the operation of an engine approved for biodiesel, the engine wear is significantly reduced. This is confirmed by the picture of a diesel engine shown adjacent. After approx. 15,000 service hours, the honing is still perceptible.
One great environmental advantage of biodiesel is its rapid biodegradability. However, this advantage requires particular attention regarding the stability of the fuel. If biodiesel is exposed to a specific "oxidation stress", i.e. high temperatures and frequent contact with (atmospheric) oxygen, or the influences of UV radiation or contact with non-ferrous metals, it ages faster than conventional diesel. In this case, the double bonds in the fatty acids of the biodiesel are broken and they react with oxygen. That is the starting point for the polymerisation of the fuel, i.e. long-chained molecules form which thicken the fuel and lead to blockages in the injection pumps and filters. To completely prevent this effect, which occurs only under extreme conditions, environmentally friendly additives are added during the production of biodiesel, so-called antioxidants.
Biodiesel based on rapeseed oil (RME) has a naturally high resistance to oxidation. This must be preserved for as long as possible. A positive side effect: this also improves the storage stability and thereby the storage capability.
Another factor which can have a destabilising effect on biodiesel is the presence of water. Because biodiesel has hygroscopic properties and actually attracts water, the biodiesel manufa cturers pay particular attention to ensure a very low water content. At the same time, this property means that the buffer capacity or the capability of binding water is significantly higher than that of diesel fuel. The occurrence of free water is therefore substantially reduced. Although it is biologically degradable, biodiesel therefore denies micro-organisms the basis for their development due to this property. Misgivings of bacterial growth in the biodiesel tank or in fuel bearing vehicle components are therefore unjustified.
It is generally applicable that biodiesel must be suitable for use in winter to temperatures of -20 °C (measured as the CFPP value) in the same way as mineral oil diesel. Both fuels receive additives to ensure this. Otherwise, an irreversible flocculation (production of paraffins) occurs in diesel fuel, which blocks the fuel lines, injection pump etc. If this happens, expensive cleaning is necessary. In contrast, biodiesel is only thickened which, in contrast to the paraffin precipitation of mineral oil diesel fuel, is reversible. When the temperature rises, biodiesel returns to a thinner state and it is unnecessary to clean the fuel system. Biodiesel on the basis of rapeseed oil has a CFPP value of approx. -10 to -12 °C without additives as a result of its raw materials.

A series of additives are used in mineral diesel fuel to achieve specific properties of the fuel. There are also properties (winter capability, oxidation stability) of biodiesel which can be improved with additives, but an "additive package" as those mixed with conventional diesel is unnecessary for biodiesel. In this relation, the use of biocides is often discussed because biodiesel is quickly biodegradable. However, these toxic additives are unnecessary because water is necessary for bacterial growth. In contrast to conventional diesel, biodiesel is hygroscopic. Water is absorbed at a molecular level by biodiesel, which prevents all bacterial growth. Practical and analytical results confirm that this quality parameter can be upheld through the entire marketing chain to the end customer. Due to the necessary repetitive alternation between summer and winter qualities, the issue of the water content does not arise in practice.
Although the density of biodiesel is slightly different from that of mineral diesel fuel, both fuels can be mixed in any ratio due to their similar chemical structure. The mixture is stable and cannot be separated by mechanical methods. It is therefore also impossible to extract biodiesel which has escaped to the engine oil with partial flow filters. The subject of mixing will have more importance in the future in view of the more stringent emission requirements of the EURO IV (2005) and EURO V (2008) standards. Due to the different emission effects, it will be necessary for new vehicles to detect whether biodiesel or a diesel/biodiesel mixture is in the tank. With the aid of the biodiesel manufacturers and UFOP and in co-operation with Volkswagen AG, a sensor has been developed which informs the engine management system of the respective ratio of diesel and biodiesel in the fuel tank. This m akes it possible to control the injection point and rate to a value most favourable to optimise reduced emission, an optimum solution to fully exploit the potential emission reduction of biodiesel in the future despite the constantly increasing requirements.
The typical odour reminiscent of chips occurring during the combustion of biodiesel is produced mainly when the engine is cold or in vehicles without oxidation catalytic converters. The components which cause the odour are unburnt or only partially burnt hydrocarbon compounds. However, the catalytic converters which are standard in new cars break down these compounds efficiently. Particularly the low sulphur content of biodiesel leads to a much improved conversion of toxic substances in the catalytic converter.
Due to the lower specific energy content of biodiesel, a slightly higher consumption must be anticipated. However, in practical operation, this is significantly less than indicated by formal calculations because other favourable parameters of biodiesel allow a more efficient operation of the engine. In fleet trials, consumption rates 0 to 5 percent higher than with the use of diesel fuel were determined. It must also be noted that the engines were optimised for the use of diesel fuel.
Biodiesel compliant with DIN EN 14124 has a flashpoint of over 110 °C and other properties which indicate a lower potential hazard. For this reason, it is not a hazardous material and its handling is not subject to the operational safety rules. This is a great advantage over mineral oil diesel in storage and handling. Refuelling of utility machines from canisters in road construction, forestry or in leisure sailing is therefore much safer. The same applies to storage and transport in these environmentally sensitive areas.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The concept of Biodiesel

The restriction of the potential quantities results from the requirement of crop rotation of the rapeseed plant. It can only be cultivated economically and within ecological reason every third or fourth year. In contrast with grain or maize, rapeseed is not selfsustaining and monocultures are therefore impossible.

In view of the overproduction of agricultural products prevalent in our region, the cultivation of so-called regenerative raw materials for exclusive use in technology and for their energy opens a reasonable alternative to traditional food production for the agricultural industry. Instead of turning agricultural areas into fallow land due to overproduction, they can be used to produce energy. The cultivation of plants for their energy will then not compete with food production, an apprehension often expressed in connection with the discussion of raw materials. These areas will be available at any time according to the demand for food production - in contrast to permanent fallow.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Sharing A Bicycle

In European cities like Paris, and Rome, people can rent bicycles in the downtown if they want to travel around the cities by bicycles. The rental fee can be some euros a day. These bikes are also equiped with GPS devices which can trace the bicycles if they have gone beyond the restricted area.
Providing bicycles for rental in big cities, is one of the city programs in reducing air pollution and preventing traffic jams.
When we were young, we like riding around with our own bicycles. We rode around the neighborhood, schools, and towns. Sometimes we rode further away to the beaches, and foothills. We took for granted for the bicycles we had.
But in other part of the world, even a small bike is a luxurious thing. In Manokwari, a small town of Papua island, not all family can afford to buy a bike for their children.
Children who have bicycles sometimes have to share them with their friends. A few days ago I took a picture of children with a bicycle. A child who has the bike charge 5,000 rupiahs (around 50 cents USD) an hour as rental fee on his friends.
Such amount is considered expensive by these little children whose parents are not wealthy enough to buy bike. So, if they want to rent their friend's bike, they have to work as car or motorcycle washer. For every motor cycle they wash, they can obtain between 2,000 and 5,000 rupiahs.
Next time when we ride bicycles again, we can remember that there are thousands of children around the world whose daily night dream is having or riding their own bicycles.
view of Manokwari town, West Papua
If you are interested in taking a holiday in Manokwari town. You can stay in Kagum Inn. It is an affordable choice for budget travellers. The inn has 11 rooms where each room costs 180 US dollar per night. The room can accomodate 2 to 4 travellers.
The inn is located in Jalan Brawijaya (formerly known as Panorama weg) near SD Negeri 1 (formerly known as Klim en Daal). For futher information on the availability of the rooms, you can call the inn's manager: Miss. Ivana Roring.
She can be contacted at her mobile: +62 81 283 07 331. It is better to book in advance to ensure the availability of the rooms. Sometimes groups of 30 to 50 people stay and occupy all the 11 rooms of the inn. On the average the travelers stay for three to one week in the inn.